VITAL 100®

plexopharm products

Treatment and prevention of deficiencies of the vitamins A, D3 and/or E

Vitamin A plays an important role in the protection of the epithelial tissues (including skin and retina) and the mucous membranes, and therefore as a protection against general infections.

Deficiency symptoms are hyperkeratosis (skin), xerophthalmia, blindness, nervous symptoms, decreased growth rates and lowered fertility.

Vitamin D3 takes care of the regular process of the calcium-phosphorous metabolism.

It plays also a role in increasing the rate of Ca++ absorption and transport from the intestine and in promoting bone calcification.

Deficiency symptoms are rickets in young animals, osteomalacia in adults.

Vitamin E possesses antioxidant action, this action links vitamin E with vitamin A metabolism (it is used for the stabilisation of vitamin A in foodstuffs) and with that of the unsaturated fatty acids. Deficiency symptoms are muscular disorders e.g. White Muscle Disease, Stiff Lamb Disease.

Category : Poultry Products / Vitamins, Mineral & Amino Acids

Packages : Packed in 1 Liter Bottle

Per 1 ml solution:

Vitamin A (palmitate)100,000I.U
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)20,000I.U
Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate)20mg

Vitamin A plays an important role in the protection of the epithelial tissues

(including skin and retina) and the mucous membranes,

and therefore as a protection against general infections.

Deficiency symptoms are hyperkeratosis (skin), xerophthalmia, blindness,

nervous symptoms, decreased growth rates and lowered fertility.

Vitamin D3 takes care of the regular process of the calcium-phosphorous metabolism.

It plays also a role in increasing the rate of Ca++ absorption and transport from the intestine

and in promoting bone calcification.

Deficiency symptoms are rickets in young animals, osteomalacia in adults.

Vitamin E possesses antioxidant action, this action links vitamin E with vitamin A metabolism

(it is used for the stabilisation of vitamin A in foodstuffs) and with that of the unsaturated fatty acids.

Deficiency symptoms are muscular disorders e.g. White Muscle Disease, Stiff Lamb Disease.

Treatment and prevention of deficiencies of the vitamins A, D3 and/or E,

e.g. growth disturbances, non-infectious reproductive and sight disturbances,

enteritis, rachitis (rickets), reconvalescence and skin problems.

Prophylactic treatment during challenge periods and stress situations.


Overdosage of vitamin D3 may cause hypercalcemia in young animals.

Orally via the drinking water.

* Poultry: 1 ml / 10 litter drinking water for 5 to 7 days.

The drinking water should be used within 24 hours.

Store cool (between +2 °C and +15 °C), and protected from light.