plexopharm products

For treatment of vitamin E deficiency

• Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which protects fats, vitamin A and steroid hormones in the body from oxidative degradation, hence preventing the formation of toxic metabolites.

• Vitamin E is important for normal neurological functions.

Deficiency leads to encephalomalacia /crazy chick disease, exudative diathesis in young birds, muscular dystrophy seen more frequently in older and mature birds.

• Selenium is an essential nutrient for birds. Selenium is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays an important role in protection of cells by destroying oxidizing agents like free radicals and oxidized unsaturated fatty acids.

Category : Poultry Products / Vitamins, Mineral & Amino Acids

Packages : Packed in 1 Liter Bottle

Each Liter Contains:

Vitamin E (10%)100,000mg
Soy Bean Oil50,000mg
Excipients Q.S.up to 1,000ml

• Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which protects fats, vitamin A and steroid hormones in the body

from oxidative degradation, hence preventing the formation of toxic metabolites.

• Vitamin E is important for normal neurological functions.

Deficiency leads to encephalomalacia /crazy chick disease, exudative diathesis in young birds,

muscular dystrophy seen more frequently in older and mature birds.

• Selenium is an essential nutrient for birds. Selenium is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase,

which plays an important role in protection of cells by destroying oxidizing agents like free radicals

and oxidized unsaturated fatty acids.

Helps in early embryonic deaths, gizzard erosion.

Reduced hatchability, exudative diathesis.

Muscular dystrophy and encephalomyelitis.

It improves immunity of birds.

1 ml / liter of drinking water for 5-7 days.

in dark and dry place at room temperature.