plexopharm products

Immune Enhancer & Antimycotoxin

MOS, Beta Glucan and herbal components act to stimulate the local, humeral

and cell mediated immune response enhancing immunity and body defense against all types of viral

and bacterial infections in birds and animals.

MOS and Beta Glucan biologically change the structure of mycotoxins to be non-toxic (Anti-Mycotoxin)

Category : Immune Enhancer / Poultry Products

Packages : Packed in 100 ml Bottle

Each 1000 ml contain:

• Mannanoligo saccharide 25 gm
• Beta glucan 50 gm
• Thymol oil 100 gm
• Propolis 20 gm
• Anise oil 100 gm
• Ginger oil 50 gm
• Purified honey 100 gm
• Solvent up to 1,000 ml

MOS, Beta Glucan and herbal components act to stimulate the local, humeral

and cell mediated immune response enhancing immunity and body defense against all types of viral

and bacterial infections in birds and animals.

MOS and Beta Glucan biologically change the structure of mycotoxins to be non-toxic (Anti-Mycotoxin)

1- During incidence of diseases to improve health, immunity and bird performance.

2- When the bird affected with mycotoxicosis

3- Before, during or after vaccination to stimulate immunity and get the maximum results from vaccines.

4- In all unsuitable cases as stress, fatigue, transportation and injection.

5- Start of production in layers and breeders.

0.5 – 1/ liter of drinking water