plexopharm products

Double Strength with Glycinate Trace Minerals.
Liquid Supplement of Calcium, Phosphorus Vitamin D3, B12, and chelated trace minerals.

A unique formulation contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin B12 along with trace minerals (Zn, Cu and Mn) which help to improve the production, growth and egg shell quality in the birds.
The Chelated trace minerals present in AllVICAL-DS® act as a coenzyme in many vital processes in the body of the birds.
Thereby helps to improve the production, body immunity and overall performance of the birds.

Category : Poultry Products / Vitamins, Mineral & Amino Acids

Packages : 1000 ml Bottle (1 Liter special Gallon) / 5 Liters Gallon

Each 1000 ml contains:

Copper sulphate500mg
Manganese sulphate3,000mg
Sodium selenite50mg
Zinc sulphate2,500mg
Cobalt sulphate50mg
Potassium iodide50mg
Vitamin B1220mg
Vitamin D31,800,000I.U
Excipients Q.S.up to 1,000ml

A unique formulation contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin B12 along with trace minerals (Zn, Cu and Mn)

which help to improve the production, growth and egg shell quality in the birds.

The Chelated trace minerals present in AllVICAL DS ® act as a coenzyme in many vital processes in the body of the birds.

Thereby helps to improve the production, body immunity and overall performance of the birds.

AllVICAL-DS®  Provides optimum Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D3 to the birds.
Improves egg shell quality, production, fertility and hatchability in the birds.
Prevents Rickets and Osteomalacia.
Prevents cage layer fatigue, prolapse and cannibalism.
Prevents anemia, stunted growth and hypocalcemia.
Prevents leg weakness and improve weight gains in the birds.
Easily absorbed in the small intestine.
Supports & strengthens the immune system.
Improves condition of skin tissue.
Effective at low dosages, so cost effective.

(Per day per 100 birds in drinking water)

Chicks – 5 ml

Growers – 10 ml

Layers/ Finisher – 20 ml